
Gnocchi Basics 意式土豆球

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Gnocchi Basics 意式土豆球的做法步驟圖



Potato 土豆 2 lbs(1lb 過篩後)
Flour 麪粉 1/2 cup
Egg 雞蛋 1
Salt 鹽 1 tsp

Gnocchi Basics 意式土豆球的做法  

  1. Bake potato on a sheet pan with salt at 400F for about 40 minutes. 將土豆放在烤盤上,表面灑上鹽,放入烤箱中400F烤40分鐘。

  2. Sift potato with a sieve, add egg and salt to combine. 將土豆過篩,加入雞蛋和鹽攪拌均勻。

  3. Add flour little by little. 一點點加入麪粉,成形即可,不需要全部加入。

  4. Boil in salty water with olive oil added until they float to the top. 在加水的鍋中放入鹽和橄欖油燒開後,加入土豆球,待浮起後瀝出。

  5. *Gnocchi with tomato sauce. 將土豆球裝盤,澆上番茄醬汁,在上面灑上parmesan cheese帕瑪森奶酪和parsley香葉碎裝飾。